St. Augustine Prep Blog
Moving On: Next Steps for Graduates Mark Faverzani ’21 and Cameron Compare ’21
Posted July 21st, 2021
Moving On To College: The Next Steps for Mark Faverzani ’21 and Cameron Compare ’21
It’s never easy to transition from one school to another. When St. Augustine seniors Mark Faverzani and Cameron Compare look back on themselves as freshmen at the Prep, they recall the challenges of adjusting to a new environment. Fresh out of middle school, they were both admittedly a little nervous, wondering if they’d make friends and find their place in a new community.

Cameron Compare
Now, four years later, the two would have a great deal of advice for the young men they once were. From trying new activities to forging meaningful relationships, they’ve learned enough about themselves to head into life’s next chapter with confidence.
For Mark, the next step is the mathematics program at Villanova University, with an interest in history as well.
“St. Augustine Prep offered the opportunity to explore so many different subjects, and having such amazing faculty in all of those disciplines helped me find my interests in Math and History, as well as my goals outside of the classroom in music and the performing arts,” he said.
Cameron is also heading to Villanova University to study mechanical engineering. With a passion for science and engineering, he looks forward to fulfilling a lifelong dream of working for Space X, as well as pursuing a range of other interests.
“My experience at the Prep was truly a foundation for exploration,” he explained. “Throughout my classes, my teachers have helped me discover what I am passionate about.”
In addition to founding the Prep’s Drone Club, Cameron was a member of student government and involved in the Pep Band, played Tennis, and served as a Hermit Admissions Ambassador.

Mark Faverzani ’21
Like Cameron, Mark had no shortage of extracurricular activities on his plate. As a Testosterone chorus member, he also served as a senior of the student executive committee, played squash, and ran track in the spring. He discovered his creativity and benefited immensely from his roles in the school’s play and theatre. Mark’s on-campus experiences were certainly rewarding, but he says it was time outside the classroom that helped him gain the most.
“The most memorable part of my time at the Prep was the opportunity to travel around the country and around the world to learn in a very unique setting with some of my closest friends, creating memories that will last a lifetime.”
While Mark and Cameron’s high school journeys were unique, there was a common theme: the impact their teachers had on their lives.
“Being able to take an independent study math course this past year, having Mrs. Wilkinson and the Prep support me and another classmate as we continued to advance in our math studies,” Faverzani said.
Cameron expanded, “One of the most impactful aspects of my Prep experience was the third semester aboard to South Africa, Italy, and Eastern Europe. All four years at the Prep have been rewarding in their own way. Every day I found myself continually facing challenges and growing into a stronger individual. ”
The St. Augustine Prep faculty takes great pride in seeing their students grow from young freshmen to mature and wise seniors with so much opportunity ahead.
“The most rewarding moment I had at the Prep was actually during the last week of senior year,” Cameron explained. “Mr. Boody was walking around with some freshmen and he pointed to me and said, ‘Men, in four years, this is the kind of guy you want to be like.’ I am proud to have made an impact like that on my teachers and fellow students at the Prep.”
Mark also reflected back on his last days of high school.
“Spending all of the time with my classmates. I got to spend a lot of time bonding outside of the classroom with people I had not been close to in years past, playing cornhole, ping pong, and just having fun,” he said.
While the seniors are all headed in different directions, they’ll remain united as members of the Hermit Brotherhood long after graduation.