The Brotherhood I Never Knew I Needed

Special for by Jackson Maslanik (Class of 2024) Let me tell you all about my brothers. While I am an only child and for as long as I can remember, I longed to have an older brother to be a role model, a teacher, and a protector, but with no siblings, I relied on my parents to fulfill these needs. My parents provided me with rich experiences as they were keenly aware of negative only-child labels. They told me to reach for the stars and stood by supportively as I dreamed to dream. In reflection, I appreciate the sacrifices they made to afford me countless adventures and opportunities. Forbes Magazine highlights research about the pros and cons of being an only child. Investigators report benefits like flexibility, novel thinking, innate skills in leadership, independence, being comfortable with solitude, and early exposure to adult conversations as well as unfavorable attributes like selfishness, introversion, and a decreased empathy for others. I possess a harmonious mix of these characteristics. I was envious of my classmates during my elementary and middle school years. Whenever there was an event, their siblings would be there in the audience clapping and supporting their brother or sister, … Continue reading The Brotherhood I Never Knew I Needed