Voyage of the Dawn Treader

By Brendan Towell – Associate Director of Admissions Reading has always been my most consistent hobby and this summer I spent time revisiting some of my favorite childhood stories. A few of my favorites include The Little Prince, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Treasure Island, and The Hobbit. These, and many other tales, allowed my imagination to run wild and, in turn, allowed me to begin to grow in all kinds of new ways – socially, emotionally, creatively, and linguistically. While all of these works hold special places in my heart and memory, C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia will forever hold first place. As a very young child, my mother read the first books to me (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe being the most famous) and from there I tackled them on my own. I believe Lewis, like Tolkein (and other writers of “children’s” literature), communicated deep truths to their readers in a genre often overlooked. As I was reflecting on the start of a new Academic Year (and consequently a new Admissions Season), a particular line in Lewis’s third published Narnia book, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, came to my mind. In the scene, the three main … Continue reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader