Daily Announcements
The following students MUST see Mr. Towell in Room 62 before leaving today: Devon Matthews, Sean Lenzcsh, Nicholas Giunta, Connor Wetherington, Patric Doherty, Michael Mitchell
The following students please see Mrs. Cable in the Business office (Vincent Center| 1st Floor-Left side of Building): Dane Crilley, Spencer Chidley, Frederick Guevara, Jackson D’Ambrosio
If you have borrowed any items from the Attendance Rental Closet – please return them.
Tennis | practice is canceled for today. All players need to stop up to the Athletic office before they leave at the end of the day.
Rugby | Colin Hess, Dimeglio, Michael Mitchell, please see Mrs. Chiachetti in the Athletic office.
Football | Shamere Collins, Nathan Fondacaro, Sean Matthews, Sean Mulhern, Garrett Dolan, please see Mrs. Chiachetti in the Athletic office.
Australia Third Semester | There will be a special announcement after Easter about a new and exciting trip happening in May of 2019. Be on the lookout!
Veritas Lecture Series
Any student interested in joining the Genius Bar, or finding out more information, should stop by Mr. Nihat’s office.
Freshmen :
- David Minder and John Callahan, please see Mrs. Cable in the Business office (Vincent Center| 1st Floor-Left side of Building) to pick up your ID.
Sophomores :
- Steven DelleMonache and Cole Powers, please see Ms. Dilley in the Business office (Vincent Center| 1st Floor-Left side of Building) to pick up SCRIP.
Juniors :
- Herff Jones ring representatives will be on campus April 27th, 9:40-12:45 in the dining hall for Juniors that need their rings resized.
- Ryan Gramp and Zachary Carew, please see Ms. Salvati in Guidance.
- Infranco, Jacob Huesser, please see Mrs. Castelli in Guidance.
- John Morris, please see Mrs. Cable in the Business office (Vincent Center| 1st Floor-Left side of Building) to pick up your ID.
- Kevin Eaise, Nate Fondacaro and Jack Billings, please see Ms. Salvati in Guidance.
- Paul Bechtelheimer, please see Ms. Dilley in the Business office (Vincent Center| 1st Floor-Left side of Building) to pick up SCRIP.