Daily Announcements
Posted April 10th, 2018
If you have borrowed any items from the Attendance Rental Closet – please return them.
Rugby | Colin Hess, Dimeglio, Michael Mitchell, please see Mrs. Chiachetti in the Athletic office.
Football | Sean Matthews, Sean Mulhern, Garrett Dolan, please see Mrs. Chiachetti in the Athletic office.
Last Call for Italy Third Semester for the next school year in November and December | students and families are invited, please see Mr. Towell or Mr. Casolaro asap. Deposits are due of $400 for those who have submitted their application.
Veritas Lecture Series
- 5.1.18 10:00am | Mrs. Susan Sheppard, JSC | Law Presentation
Location: Study Commons / AP Government, Criminal Justice/Global Terrorism, and
Con Law/1968 are required to attend
Any student interested in joining the Genius Bar, or finding out more information, should stop by Mr. Nihat’s office.
Freshmen :
- Eugene Volpe, please see Mrs. Hrapczynski in the Vincent Center.
- Gianni Danze, please see Mrs. Cable in the Business office (Vincent Center| 1st Floor-Left side of Building) to pick up your ID.
Sophomores :
- Herff Jones ring representatives will be on campus April 17th and 19th, 9:40-12:45 in the dining hall for Sophomores that would like to order class rings.
- All sophomores schedule to go on retreat April 25th to the 27th please report to Room 3 at 10:00 on Thursday, April 19th. This meeting is mandatory and attendance will be taken. If you have a conflict with this meeting please see Mrs. Auger as soon as possible.
Juniors :
- The following students please report to Mrs. Auger’s office: Christopher Allen, Evan Blum, Robert Houck, Dylan Joseph, Garrett Knechtel, Conner Kraus, Anthony Olivio, Anthony Trotto, Conor Wetherington
- Dylan Candelore, please see Mrs. Cable in the Business office (Vincent Center| 1st Floor-Left side of Building) to pick up your ID.
- Nick Venuto ~ Please see Mrs. Enos in the Advancement Office of the Vincent Center today.
- Herff Jones ring representatives will be on campus April 17th, 9:40-12:45 in the dining hall for Juniors that need their rings resized.
- Infranco, Jacob Huesser, please see Mrs. Castelli in Guidance.