Daily Announcements
Posted September 18th, 2018
Anyone who lost money in the Vincent Center, please see Mrs. Hrapczynski in the Admissions Office.
Picture Day | for all Sophomores, Juniors, Faculty and Staff, will take place on Tuesday, October 9th in Spina Gym.
Golf | There will be a golf meeting today for all those interested in playing golf in the Athletic office during the second enrichment period.
Soccer | The Varsity and JV teams will be missing G period.
Last Call! Anyone interested in the Italy trips over Thanksgiving or Christmas – see Mr. Casolaro ASAP.
Veritas Lecture Series
- TODAY 1:12pm | Alexis Demitroff, ACUA(Atlantic County Utilities Authority)
Location: Room 51 | Prep Students who are interested in gaining hands-on exposure in professional fields involving environmental science, engineering or public works
Spanish Exchange Program: Informational meeting on September 25th at 6:00pm in the Study Commons. See Mrs. Marshall or Mrs. Vogelsong for details.
Freshmen :
Sophomores :
Juniors :
- Paul Bechtelheimer, please see Ms. Dilley in the Business office (Vincent Center| 1st Floor-Left side of Building) to pick up SCRIP.
- Class of 2019 Senior Portraits Makeup Dates | Seniors that missed the August portraits dates or would like their picture retaken, Prestige will be on campus September 27th & 28th 9:00am-2:00pm in Spina Gym. All students need to contact Prestige to set-up an appointment time. Seniors should bring their own dress shirt, tie and be cleanly shaven. Click HERE to view sitting information.
- Senior Portrait Schedule | HERE