Daily Announcements
Bus Schedule for November 8: All buses will leave campus at 12:45 on Thursday. Please make arrangements to be picked up at your bus stop 2 hours and 20 minutes earlier than your regular pick up time.
Blood Drive | Today from 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM in Spina Gym. PDF HERE
2018/2019 SAT Registration HERE.
Picture Day Retakes | for all Sophomores, Juniors, faculty and staff, will take place on November 27th, in Spina Gym from 8:00-12:00pm.
Students that are going to Italy over Thanksgiving, please report to Room 12 at the beginning of Enrichment today.
The first Spain Exchange family meeting will be held next Monday, November 19 at 6:30 p.m. in Augustinian Hall, Room 43 (Mrs. Marshall’s room). Please bring your first payment of $1,000 to the meeting and a photocopy of your passport if you have not submitted a copy already.
Environmental Club | There will be a mandatory meeting TODAY at the start of enrichment period.
Veritas Lecture Series
Today | Career Pathway Presentation | Engineering and Construction Management
- Location: Study Commons /All are welcome
College | Date | Time |
Muhlenberg College | Tue November 6, 2018 | 9:40 AM |
Bucknell University | Tue November 6, 2018 | 1:35 PM |
American University | Mon November 12, 2018 | 11:30 AM |
United States Naval Academy | Mon November 19, 2018 | 11:30 AM |
Lynn University | Fri November 16, 2018 | 12:15 PM |
Felician University | Tue November 20, 2018 | 11:45 AM |
Freshmen :
- Kyle Muller, please see Mrs. Blystone in the Prep Store to pick up SCRIP.
- Purchase a 2018-19 Yearbooks: Click Here (Seniors receive a yearbook for free.)
Sophomores :
- Purchase a 2018-19 Yearbooks: Click Here (Seniors receive a yearbook for free.)
Juniors :
- Steven DelleMonache, Anthony Gurcsik, Cole Powers, please see Mrs. Blystone in the Prep Store to pick up SCRIP.
- Herff Jones will be on campus today, in the Dining Hall 11:00-12:20 to collect final payments for class rings ordered in the spring.
- Purchase a 2018-19 Yearbooks: Click Here (Seniors receive a yearbook for free.)
- Pat McMaster, please see Mrs. Blystone in the Prep Store to pick up SCRIP.
- Buy an Ad for the 2018-19 Yearbook: Click Here