Daily Announcements
All Student Government Executive Committee members and Class Representatives ~ Please meet Mrs. Enos for a brief meeting immediately following Mass in the Rodio Gym.
2018/2019 SAT Registration HERE.
Picture Day Retakes | for all Sophomores, Juniors, faculty and staff, will take place on November 27th, in Spina Gym from 8:00-12:00pm. Picture day form HERE.
Hockey | Will be leaving after F period today.
Track | There will be a meeting Wednesday, 11/14, in the study commons at the start of enrichment period for anyone interested in coming out for Winter or Spring Track this year.
The first Spain Exchange family meeting will be held next Monday, November 19 at 6:30 p.m. in Augustinian Hall, Room 43 (Mrs. Marshall’s room). Please bring your first payment of $1,000 to the meeting and a photocopy of your passport if you have not submitted a copy already.
Veritas Lecture Series
College | Date | Time |
United States Naval Academy | Mon November 19, 2018 | 11:30 AM |
Lynn University | Fri November 16, 2018 | 12:15 PM |
Felician University | Tue November 20, 2018 | 11:45 AM |
Freshmen :
- Alexander Marshall, Noah David-Logan, please see Mrs. Cable in the Business office and pick up your ID.
- Purchase a 2018-19 Yearbooks: Click Here (Seniors receive a yearbook for free.)
Sophomores :
- UPDATE–Due to the change in schedule, the meeting for all sophomores scheduled for retreat November 28 to the 30, will now take place on Wednesday, November 14 at 10:00 in Room 3. Attendance will be taken. Please see Mrs. Auger if you are not sure of your scheduled date or with any conflicts.
- Purchase a 2018-19 Yearbooks: Click Here (Seniors receive a yearbook for free.)
Juniors :
- Robert Cuff, Steven DelleMonache, Anthony Gurcsik, Cole Powers, Zachary York, please see Mrs. Blystone in the Prep Store to pick up SCRIP.
- William Stub, please see Mrs. Cable in the Business office and pick up your ID.
- Purchase a 2018-19 Yearbooks: Click Here (Seniors receive a yearbook for free.)
- John Dimeglio, please see Mrs. Blystone in the Prep Store to pick up SCRIP.
- Buy an Ad for the 2018-19 Yearbook: Click Here