Daily Announcements
Bus Schedule for Thursday, May 2: All buses will leave campus at 12:55 PM. Make arrangements to have your son picked up at the bus stop two hours and 5 minutes earlier than his regular drop off time. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Mrs. Carr at Extension 142 or at Mrs.Carr@hermits.com.
Volunteers for the Run for the Roses ~ Wednesday, May 1, immediately following Mass there will be a brief meeting in the Rodio Gym for all students volunteering for the Run for the Roses on Saturday, May 4. All Caritas, NHS, Hermit Ambassador, Instrumental, Photography and Videography volunteers must attend. Please see Mrs. Enos in the Advancement Office if you have a conflict.
Any AP students who were unable report for the Pre- registration meeting which was held on Wednesday, April 24 to receive their AP registration student number are to see Mrs. Vogelsong as soon as possible to complete their College Board forms.
MESSAGE FROM DINING SERVICES | There are a LARGE number of students with EXTREMELY NEGATIVE lunch accounts.
- Starting April 1st, no Senior will be able to carry a negative balance on their account. Any one who has a negative account will not be able to receive a cap and gown for graduation.
- Starting April 23rd no Underclassmen will be able to carry a negative balance on their account.
- Please manage your son’s lunch account by using the Payschool Central site HERE (this is just for credit cards) or by sending cash or a check made out to St. Augustine Prep, to the Dining Hall
Prep Store Hours
Driver Education Theory Classes: Any student over age 14 may enroll in any of the following driver education theory classes. The NJ State written test is administered on the last day of class. Classes are from 2:30 – 5 pm, except the August class is 9 – 11:30 am.
- May 6th – 10th
- August 19th – 23rd
- To enroll please contact Mrs. Auger at 856-697-2600 x 102 or Mrs.Auger@Hermits.com
2018/2019 SAT Registration HERE.
Track, JV & Varsity Baseball | Will be missing G period today.
There will be a meeting today at the start of Enrichment period in Room 34 for any current Sophomore or Junior interested in running for Student Government Executive Committee for next school year 2019 – 2020.
There will be a mandatory Third Semester meeting for ALL Third Semester courses on Thursday, May 2, 2019 @ 9:50 am. Attendance will be taken. Room assignments will be posted.
Alaska Third Semester | Anyone interested in a Third Semester trip to Alaska in 2020 are asked to see Mr. Grealis in room 56 for information. If enough interest is generated, a parent meeting will follow before the end of the year.
Veritas Lecture Series
Freshmen :
- John DeVito, please see Mrs. Blystone in the Prep Store to pick up SCRIP.
- Purchase a 2018-19 Yearbooks: Click Here (Seniors receive a yearbook for free.)
Sophomores :
- Purchase a 2018-19 Yearbooks: Click Here (Seniors receive a yearbook for free.)
Juniors :
- Justin Crawford, Zachary York, please see Mrs. Blystone in the Prep Store to pick up SCRIP.
- Purchase a 2018-19 Yearbooks: Click Here (Seniors receive a yearbook for free.)
- Reminder- your completed Transcript Release Form is due to Guidance by Wednesday, May 1st. If you were absent on Friday, please see Ms. Salvati ASAP.