2020 Mendel Medal Award Dinner - Rose Davis H'19
2020 Mendel Medal Award Dinner – Rose Davis H’19
The 2020 Mendel Medal Award Dinner honoring Rose Davis was a night to remember. We thank all who attended, both in person and in spirit. On this memorable evening, Rose was surrounded by her family, friends, colleagues, and her beloved Prep Community.

Rose Marie Davis poses with previous Mendel Medal winners in attendance at this year’s event. Rose is the 2019 recipient of the most prestigious award bestowed upon a member of the Prep Community. (Photo by Mrs. Karrie Davis P’22 ’23)
The founder and president of Superior Legal Services, and a member of the Prep’s Board of Directors, serving on both the Advancement and Human Resources Committees, Mrs. Rose Marie Davis is a regular presence on campus, a frequent attendant of the weekly school Mass, and passionate member of the school community to the extent of attending Third Semester trips abroad with students and their families. Her philanthropic spirit has changed the Prep and her personal spirit and contagious laugh have captured the hearts of the community.

Mrs. Davis’ passion for the school begins with her love and support for “the boys.” The bond of the Hermit Brotherhood is what drew her to the Prep.
Rose began her nearly 20-year relationship with St. Augustine Prep at the school’s 1998 Gregor Mendel Medal Award Dinner in honor of a dear friend, Mr. Lawrence A. Pepper, Jr. Mr. Pepper would later extend an invitation to the school’s tradition of Wednesday Mass. Quickly intrigued and impressed by the Prep’s mission and community, and more importantly by the quality of its young men and their relentless pursuit of excellence, service, and brotherhood, she embarked on a selfless, philanthropic journey that has forever changed St. Augustine Prep.
Her commitment and generosity have provided countless students with one of the most impactful learning environments of any high school in the entire world. The Louis and Josephine Buondonno Forum, opened in 2007, is named in honor of her parents. The Vincent L. Buondonno Center, for which she was the singular benefactor, was dedicated on December 7, 2016, and has transformed the campus. Rose consistently supports many of the school’s events including the Fr. Stephen LaRosa Golf Tournament and the Run for the Roses. She has become a role model to the very brotherhood and school community she adores – past, present and future. Most importantly, Rose has set the example for all to pay it forward for future Hermit Brothers in the same way she has done so herself.
Thank you, again, for making this annual event a success and for believing in the power of the Hermit Brotherhood. Included below is an electronic version of the event’s program booklet spotlighting our generous event sponsors as well as the video tribute played for Mrs. Davis.
Once again, congratulations Rose and thank you for your dedication to St. Augustine Prep and “the boys!”