Move the Ball Forward Scholarship Fund

Move the Ball Forward Scholarship Fund

Thank you for considering a gift to the Move The Ball Forward Scholarship Fund at St. Augustine Prep. This Scholarship Fund provides tuition assistance to underrepresented qualified students who participate in Hermits Soccer. With your support, the Prep will offer more opportunities to our region’s most deserving and talented young men who have a passion for the game of soccer.

Interested in a Corporate Partnership opportunity? Any corporate sponsor who contributes at least $10,000 during any given fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) will be recognized with a Move the Ball Forward scholarship named after the corporation to help sponsor a student during their entire four-year journey at St. Augustine Prep. In addition, your company’s digital logo will be prominently displayed in various campus locations and on the website, name read live during all Hermits Broadcasting Channel livestreams, announced at all major home sporting events, and more exclusive recognition opportunities.

Additional corporate sponsorship opportunities and recognition for all levels of giving can be found at

For more information or questions, please contact: Nick Sena, Chief Advancement Officer at (856) 697-2600 ext. 137 or