Prep Talk

A Message from the Parent Engagement Group

Posted December 14th, 2012


Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are pleased to write you about a new and exciting initiative at St. Augustine Prep – our Development Council. One of the most important constituencies of this organization is the Parent Engagement Group designed to provide all parents and guardians opportunities to become a meaningful part of the Prep experience.

Our mission is “To foster a feeling of goodwill and camaraderie with the Prep Community, contribute to school spirit, sponsor events, serve as a public relations vehicle and raise funds to support our Tuition Assistance Program.” We plan to sponsor a variety of fun, fundraising and community building activities. Each class will have parent/guardian representation.

Parents, guardians and families at the Prep are more than just a support system; they’re essential members of the Prep Community. In the true spirit of that community, let us once again take a moment and remember the gifted and giving men and women who play a vital role in our sons’ lives – our faculty and staff. Their generosity of time and talent demonstrates confidence in St. Augustine Prep and a commitment to the “Setting Hearts on Fire with a Passionate Search for Truth, Unity and Love” mission we hold so dear.

The Prep has many unique traditions. One of them is our Faculty/Staff Christmas Fund. Each December we seek monetary donations from parents/guardians for this extraordinary group. Again, this year we need your support. Remember a gift, regardless of its size, when given voluntarily is a sign of gratitude. Remember to make your check payable to St. Augustine Prep with a notation on the check designating the gift as Faculty/Staff Christmas Gift.

Your check should be brought or sent to Mrs. Sharon Flamini, Bursar, located in the Forum by Monday, December 31, 2012.

On behalf of the Parent Engagement Group, we wish each of our families a peace-filled Christmas season.


Mr. R. Blake Christy ‘83

Co-Chair of the Parent Engagement Group – Prep Dad (Class of ’13 & ’16)

Mrs. Barbara M. Washington

Co-Chair of the Parent Engagement Group – Prep Mom (Class of ’14)