Prep Talk
Academic Excellence for 2017-18
Posted August 22nd, 2018
The success of our students in the classroom is the motivation behind the passion and efforts of the entire school community. The administration, faculty, and staff take great pride in the accomplishments of each and every student at St. Augustine Prep. We take this opportunity to recognize the following students who have earned AP Scholar Awards and rising sophomores through seniors who had earned Academic Honors for the 2017-18 Academic Year.
AP Scholar Award Winners
The AP Scholar Awards recognize high school students who have demonstrated exemplary college-level achievement on AP Exams. Certificates are provided online and the awards are reflected on all score reports sent to colleges after awards are conferred. AP exams are scored on a scale of 1 to 5. A score of 5, means that the student is extremely well qualified and is the highest score. A score of 4, means the student is well qualified and a score of 3 indicates that the student is qualified.
Listed below, we proudly recognize our 2018 AP Scholar Award Winners.
AP Scholars with Distinction
Granted to those students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams
Paul Biagi
Omar Borai
Devon Osgood
John Reynolds
Kyle Rowe
AP Scholars with Honor
Granted to those students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
Sean Becker
Casey Collins
Liam Jarrett
Arjun Mathur
John Sabella
AP Scholars
Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams
Robert Belansen
Tyler Booth
Reilly Burhannna
Michael Doliszny
Thomas Hunt
Zachary Hurban
Daniel Innocenzo
Brian Keller
Dimitrios Kounis
Andrew Silver
Luka Villani
Michael Visalli
Joseph Wilhelm
Justin Wright
Academic Honor Roll
Recognition of good student performance is made through the system of honors. There are two levels of honors:
Head of School’s Honors List: Awarded to those students who earn a weighted GPA of 95 or higher. The student must have successfully completed a course load which includes a minimum of at least two Honors and/or AP level courses.
Dean’s Honors List: Awarded to those students who earn a weighted GPA of 90 or higher.
Our Head of School Honor Students will be formally recognized at the Head of School’s Honors Mass scheduled for Wednesday, October 3, 2018.
We proudly recognize the following students who have earned Academic Honors for the 2017-18 school year.
Head of School Honors
Class of 2019
Ethan Albertson
Christian Aldrich
Craig Ambrose
Mason Anderson
Andrew Bakey
Paul Bechtelheimer
Matthew Bernard
Anthony Bevilacqua
James Bilella III
Tucker Blanchard
Brett Bodnar
Joseph Bonczek
Reilly Burhanna
Robert Campbell
Dane Crilly
Steven Cummins
Michael DeLong
Andrew DiPadova
Michael Doliszny
Alexander Dragovits
Zachary Drexler
Trevor Fawcett
James Fazzio
Conor Franz
Gregory Giangiulio
Dominic Gitto
Michael Giunta
Ryan Gramp
Salvatore Grassi
Christopher Haddad
Owen Haldeman
Matthew Halpin
Kevin Heist
John Hladun III
Myles Holder
Anthony Holvick Jr.
Robert Houck
Ben Jefferis
Kyle Jenny
Brendan Karnish
Evan Keane
David Kiniry
Harrison Klaiss
Garrett Knechtel
Joseph Kolonich
Ethan Lang
Joseph LaScala
Ryan Loftis
Nicholas Mahon
Rory McDermott
Mitch Mcentee
Colin McKenzie
Kienen Mulloy
Cole Murray
Sagar Patel
Gerard Peacock
Colin Pimental
Francesco Pinque
Matthew Pond
Jonathan Prussel
Joseph Ruchser
Giovanni Sabelli
Michael Salvaggio
Luke Schooley
Charles Schubert
Alexander Sylvester Jr.
Antonio Talotta
Justin Tana
Anthony Trotto
Nicholas Vicente
Luka Villani
Michael Visalli Jr.
Jonathan Wang
Connor Wetherington
Ryan Wilkins
Class of 2020
Kyle Bartleson
Chandler Bird
Casey Burhanna
Timothy Capalbo Jr.
Mason Carmolingo
George Carpenter
Christian Carson
Brady Chase
Jacob Cobb
Derek Coleman
Joseph Colon
Luca Covino
Justin Crawford
Robert Cuff
Chase Davis
Samuel Donio
Harrison Dumas
Frank Edwardi
Angelo Fodera
Bennett Gerstenbacher
Gerardo Gramaglia
Alexander Hunt
Ethan Infranco
Timothy Jalowitz
Aidan Jarrett
Evan Kim
Augustine Lam
Alek Lape
Tyler Lunt
Addison Malady
Orlando Martinez
Christopher Matarazzo
Jack McCoy
Shawn McDermott
Dylan McNally
Christopher Medolla
Luke Menet
Peter O’Donnell
Hayden Peterson
William Reynolds
Robert Reynolds
Mark Ritchie
Philip Ritchie
Robert Ritchie
Connor Schiela
Carl Smallwood
Nicholas Stanchina
William Stub
Peter Thompson
Christopher Vandenberg
Andrew Whiteman
Colin Wingate
Kevin Witkoski
Patrick York
Sajan Young
Class of 2021
Ian Asuncion
Michael Baker
Michael Barney
Stephen Bleistine
Luke Bowdren
Justin Brown
Luke Burgo
Jake Caselli
Nicolas Cipollone
Cameron Compare
Liam Conner
Noah Craig
Ryan DeFoney
Dustin DiSisto
John Duer
Xavier Ernest
Mark Faverzani
Frederick Guevara
Chris Ingenito
Nicholas Ingravallo
David Kenny
Ethan Kern
Nicholas King
Kyle Kinkade
Jack Levari
Keshav Mathur
Anthony Mazzochette
Kyle McNally
Anders Paulson
Riley Quirk
Christian Riti
Dominic Rossi
Logan Russo
Luke Salmon
Matteo Salvati
Greyson Sapio
Michael Schleider
Edgar Valle
Nick Volpe
Shane Washart
Adam Williams
Mark Zappone
Dean’s Honors
Class of 2019
Luke Abbruzzi
Adebayo Adelekan
Christopher Allen Jr.
Andrew Autuore
Daniel Bennett
Evan Blum
Jacob Brown
William Callahan III
Dylan Candelore
Jack Carroll
Charles Chiango III
Paul Cimino
Mason Cohan
Dominic Curcio
Garrett Danley
John Dimeglio
Michael DiPalma
Matthew Dortu
Cameron Driscoll
Jerek Garcia
Brandon Gibson
Jacob Huesser
Jordyn Kendrick
Richard King III
Jarred Krasner
Roan Larkin
Jared Lawson
Mario Licciardello
Blake Lisgar
Daniel Martini
Brady McIntire
Timothy Merighi
Evan Metzger
Justin Mirenda
Anthony Monfredo III
James Oliva
Michael Pinto
Anthony Powelczyk
Andrew Ragone
Max Rosetti
Matthew Rossetti
Colby Rumpf
Mark Santora II
Cameron Scussa
Patrick Sharp
Anthony Sofran
Tyler Southard
Tsampikos Stergiou
Tyler Turpin
Michael Vanaman
Cole Vanderslice
Nick Venuto
Uriah Whyte Jr.
Chase Wittbrodt
Class of 2020
Nicholas Albinson
Lawrence Babenko
Joseph Bartolozzi
Michael Bartuccio Jr.
Thomas Belansen
Cole Bennett
Dylan Broomell
Tyson Burbank
David Burr
Connor Callahan
Anthony Chelednik Jr.
Spencer Chidley
Sean Cottrell
Jacob Creasy
Brandon Cross
Matthew DeLong
Joshua Diggons
Thomas Figurelli
Christian Fiordaliso
Ryan Flaherty
Brian Furey
Matthew Gandy
John Geaneotes
Anthony Gurcsik
Logan Hone
Paul Infranco
Logan Jaep
Rich King
Nakul Kumaresan
Darren Lavin Jr.
Nicholas Leo
John Malaszecki
Alec Manzer
Antonio Matos
Nicholas McCall
John Miner
Andrue Nicholas
Conor Ogborn
Chet Ottinger
Cole Powers
Dominick Pruna
Justin Shorter
Adam Smith
Brayden Steere
Dante Tedesco
Uchechi Wokocha
Zachary York
Class of 2021
Anthony Ambrose
Michael Balestriere
Nicholas Barretta
Erich Berke
Chris Bernard
Bryson Bugdon
Chaz Bullaro
William Bumbernick
John Callahan
Nicholas Casano
Julian Chero
Joseph Christiansen
Chris Cipparone
Vincent Coiro
Brendan Cooke
Patrick Coyle
Jeffrey Cucchi
Salvatore Curcuru
Aidan Dailey
Gianni Danze
Declan Davis
Dylan DiGrazio
Chris Dindino
Joshua Dolson
Leonard Dolson III
Evan Donahue
Rocco Gallelli
David Gandy
Jake Gebeline
Chris Giunta
Cole Graiff
Luka Grdinich
Dante Guido
Shane Hewitt
Douglas Hiles
Michael Hoban
John Horner
Cian Hughes
Gavin Jackson
Julius Jakubek
Brandon Jones
James Jost
Joshua Karnish
Edward Kelly IV
Ryan Kenna
Jacob Ketschek III
John Kolesar
David Kuhar
Colin Kuni
Nicolas Law
Nicholas Marshall
Chris Mason
Gary Mazza
Matthew McClay
Thomas McCormick
Trey McGee
Brody McKenzie
Nicholas Meduri
Jake Mello
Tanner Merritt
David Minder
Michael Misita
Robert Munden III
Colin Ogborn
Keith Palek
Jack Peacock
Michael Reed
Bryce Reidenbach
Damien Rodriguez
Domenic Scaffidi
Caden Scussa
Jacob Sekel
Vincent Simmons
Lucas Snyder
Michael Tedesco
Alexander Tsikouras
Casey Urbaczewski
Jackson Vanesko
Zak Willuski