Prep Talk

An Easter Message from the President

Posted April 6th, 2012


Dear Prep Community,

We are about to enter the Triduum, three days in which we commemorate the saving acts of Christ which define our relationship with God.  The Thursday Passover Meal, that final repast of Christ with his disciples, is our Eucharist, our Mass of Thanksgiving without which our faith would could not be, again and again, rejuvenated and enlivened.  Good Friday, called good because innocence itself was crucified so we could live in the light of redemption rather than bewilderment. Hope in life here and hereafter is the great gift of Christ’s death. Easter, the celebration of Jesus piercing death’s sting with the promise of immortality, continually reviving the human spirit to live life as  a journey to that which is the source of our peace, presence with God.

May this Easter Season be a time of special meals with your family and friends, a time of service to your brothers and sisters, and a time of new life and light where there may be darkness. Be assured of my continued prayers of gratitude for your commitment to the values of the Prep: Truth, Unity and Love.

Happy Passover to our Jewish brothers and sisters, the first community to hear the Word of God, celebrated this year on Good Friday.  May God bless us all!

Fr. Donald Reilly, OSA, D.Min.