Prep Talk

Annual Fr. Stephen LaRosa Alumni Golf Tournament a Success

Posted July 24th, 2012


St. Augustine Prep held its 6th annual Fr. Stephen LaRosa Alumni Golf Tournament at Scotland Run Golf Club in Williamstown, NJ. The tournament is held in memory of Fr. Stephen LaRosa, OSA, (1933-2006), who was first assigned to St. Augustine Prep in 1965 and served as the school’s headmaster from 1967 to 1982.

Over 100 golfers participated in the tournament, with all proceeds benefitting the St. Augustine Prep Alumni Association Scholarship Fund as well as the St. Thomas of Villanova Grant Fund (the Prep’s largest source of tuition assistance).

Photo: Brett Yates from Federici & Akin, PA Consulting Engineers missed a hole-in-one and a brand new car by one inch.