Prep Talk
Attention Juniors and Parents of Juniors
The ACT FREE practice test is right around the corner. Please see the article “ACT/SAT Practice Exams” (click here) for more information.
All juniors should schedule individual college counselor meetings starting now through the month of January. Counselor assignments are posted in the Scarpa building. There have been some changes to the assignments so please check the list for the counselor to whom you are assigned. Students are encouraged to make appointments during lunch periods as well as before and after school. If you make an appointment during a class period you MUST have permission from your teacher. Parents are welcome to attend.
College Essay Writing Presentation – March 12 at 9:15 a.m. by Stephen Merritt, Dean of Enrollment Management at Villanova University. Mr. Merritt will speak to the junior class and address how to write an effective college application essay.
Junior Parent Meeting – March 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the dining hall.
We recommend that students take the SAT’s twice during their junior year. Once again, the March 9 SAT will be administered at St. Augustine Prep. Please register at: by February 8.
Counselor Information:
Mrs. Brooke A. Coyle 856-697-2600 x 116
Mr. Mark Reardon 856-697-2600 x 119
Mr. Thomas Coyle 856-697-2600 x 113
Mrs. Janice Deery