Prep Talk

Attention Seniors and Parents of Seniors

Posted January 8th, 2013


College Acceptances/ Scholarships and Mid-Year Reports – Please report all college acceptances and scholarship awards to Mrs. Castelli in College Guidance as soon as possible. A mid-year report is not required for those schools to which you have already been accepted.  However, mid-year reports are due to schools shortly and College Guidance will be sending mid-year reports to all schools.  If you have not reported an acceptance a mid-year report will be sent.

Financial Aid Requirements – Please be aware that it is your responsibility to research financial aid requirements and due dates for the school(s) to which you have applied.  Schools will require the FAFSA and may also require the CSS Profile as well as possibly a school specific application.  Check the school’s website for all financial terms and deadlines.

Submitting Additional College Applications – There is still time to submit college applications.  Please see your guidance counselor if you would like to submit an application to a school of interest.

Counselor Information:

Mrs. Brooke A. Coyle 856-697-2600 x 116

Mr. Mark Reardon 856-697-2600 x 119

Mr. Thomas Coyle 856-697-2600 x 113

Mrs. Janice Deery