Prep Talk
Earth Day Art Contest Results
In an effort to prepare for and raise awareness of Earth Day on April 22, the Environmental Club sponsored the inaugural “Arts in Earth Day” contest. The student’s response to the competition, which ran from February through April, was exciting with over 100 entries spanning the four categories: poetry, photography, original artwork, and theatre. At Mass on Wednesday, April 18, Mrs. Nancy McHugh and Ms. Elayne Sama announced the winners in each category. Each winner received the supportive cheers of their Hermit brothers and a Certificate of Merit. In addition, first prize for each category included $50 cash, funded by the Environment Club’s Dodgeball tournament proceeds.
In the poetry category, first prize was awarded to sophomore Zachary Karbasian, and second prize went to junior Kenny Homan. In the photography category, first prize was awarded to sophomore Sean McGee, and second prize went to junior Paul (“Blake”) Christy. In the artwork category, first prize was awarded to senior Salvatore (“Nick”) DeGiralomo. In the theatre category, first prize was awarded to junior Michael Motolla. The winning entries are displayed on the bulletin board outside of Rodio Gym, or they can be viewed using the links below. All written works will be published in the Prep Literary Magazine.
Special thanks to the judges in each category: Ms. Elayne Sama, Mrs. Kimberly Wink, Mrs. Lorraine Dutta, and Mr. Stephen Sharp. Mrs. McHugh and the Environmental Club plan to make this an annual event at the Prep.
To read the winning poem by Zachary Karbasian, please click here. To read Kenny Homan’s poem, please click here. To view Sean McGee’s winning photo, please click here. To see Blake Christy’s photo, please click here. To see Nick DeGiralomo’s winning painting, please click here. To read Mike Mottolla’s monologue, please click here.
Photo: Contest winners Sean McGee (Class of 2014), Blake Christy (Class of 2013), Nick DeGiralomo (Class of 2012), Ken Homan (Class of 2013), and Zach Karbasian (Class of 2014).