Prep Talk
New Students Embraced in Student-Driven “Brotherhood Ceremony”
Posted September 6th, 2013
On Wednesday, September 4, the Class of 2017 of St. Augustine Prep was formally welcomed to the “Brotherhood” shared by all of those past and present students as part of a student-conducted “Brotherhood Ceremony.”
The festivities began when the new St. Augustine Prep freshman class processed into a Rodio Gymnasium that was packed with families, friends, and loved-ones of the Class of 2017. The students were followed by the faculty and administration, who processed into the gym wearing the full academic garb afforded them by their respective universities. When all were seated, student-body President Michael Pallozzi (Class of 2013) began the tradition-filled ceremony by leading the congregation in the Augustinian prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. The highlight of the event occurred when the each individual member of the Class of 2017 was called forth by name to sign the Book of the Hermits and put on, with the assistance of an upperclass representative of Student Council, the signature component of the school uniform: The navy-blue blazer with embroidered School Seal.
After the Ceremony was completed, the families and friends of the newly-inducted students shared refreshments in the Consalo Dining Hall and enjoyed the picture-perfect September weather around the fountain in front of the Forum.