Prep Talk
Prep Student Admitted to Medical Program; Awarded Scholarship
On Saturday, April 28, after competing as part of the state championship-winning Prep crew team, Lee Wetty (Class of 2012) was awarded a Garden State Scholastic Championship Scholarship worth $2,250.00. Wetty is one of only six New Jersey high school seniors (3 male and 3 female) to receive a scholarship from the Garden State Scholastic Championship. Six seems to be a magic number of sorts for Wetty, who was also one of only six incoming freshmen to be chosen for the Muhlenberg College/Drexel University College of Medicine 4-4 Early Assurance Program, which essentially grants Wetty a conditional acceptance into medical school after he completes his undergraduate studies at Muhlenberg. Over 100 students per class apply for this program, and each year only six are selected.
Congratulations on both accounts, Lee!
Photo: Lee Wetty (Class of 2012) displays the scholarship award of $2,250.00 from the Garden State Scholastic Championships. He is pictured with St. Augustine Prep President, Fr. Donald Reilly, OSA, Crew Coach Ray D’Amico, and Headmaster Fr. Francis Horn, OSA.