Prep Talk
Students Visit Brandywine River Museum
Posted November 18th, 2011
On November 10, art teacher Mrs. Dutta accompanied 32 Prep art students on a field trip to the Brandywine River Museum in Chadds Ford, PA. The museum features great works of American art and is internationally known for its unparalleled collection of works by three generations of Wyeths and its fine collection of American illustration, still life and landscape painting.
Among the hundreds of artists represented are Howard Pyle and his many students who affected the course of American illustration, including N. C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth and Jamie Wyeth. There is work by hundreds of famous illustrators. Landscape, still life, portrait and genre painting includes work by Benjamin West, Gilbert Stuart, Asher Durand, W. T. Richards, William Harnett, John Haberle, J. D. Chalfant, Horace Pippin and many others, while the major still life collection includes paintings by William Harnett, John Peto, George Cope, John Haberle, Horace Pippin, among others.
The museum houses most work by the Wyeths. NC Wyeth was the grandfather and an illustrator of various books like Treasure Island and Last of the Mohicans. His son Andrew became quite famous and is the main contributor to the museum with many of his works on display. He worked in egg tempera and the volume of work he has done and the beauty of these works is truly inspirational.
Mrs. Dutta highly recommends visiting the Brandywine River Museum for those wishing to refine their appreciation for American art.