Prep Talk
Prep Students Featured in House of Charity Video
On the weekend of April 13-14, many parishioners in the Diocese of Camden viewed a video promoting the House of Charity, Bishop’s Annual Appeal. The program supports the funding of some $7.2 million for projects that provide social and community services, compassionate outreach, and evangelization projects throughout the diocese.
The promotional video highlighted the work done by teenagers through the program “Summer in the City,” a week-long experience during which young people serve the needs of the poor and elderly in Atlantic City. Predominantly featured in the video were Prep students Zach LaBarth (Class of 2014) and John Peacock (Class of 2013), both of whom participated in the program last summer. Both expressed the rewards they experienced in helping others.
Through its many service projects, St. Augustine Prep introduces all of its students to the value of serving others, especially those who are less fortunate than they are.