Mission & Ministry


At St. Augustine Prep, faculty, staff, and students have the opportunity to travel and engage with others in the Augustinian community through AVI and SAVI. In one short, yet exciting, weekend, participants come together in faith, prayer, and reflection. They innovate ways to implement Augustinian values in classroom discussions, while also coming to understand the values presented in other Augustinian schools and communities throughout North America.


The Augustinian Values Institute (AVI) is a program of the Augustinian Secondary Educational Association (ASEA).  The ASEA was established by the Federation of Augustinians of North America (formerly the North American Conference of Augustinian Provincials) to foster unity, efficiency, and the continued development within the Augustinian ministry of secondary education.  The Association is a forum and vehicle for the sharing of resources, the advancement of the Augustinian charism and values, the promotion of secondary education as a vital and proper ministry of the Order, and the assurance of authentic Augustinian identity in the schools.

The AVI is held annually. For one weekend every year, faculty, staff, and board members of Augustinian high schools from North America and throughout the world meet at a hosting Augustinian school. Over the busy weekend, attendees not only come together and share a common bond and Augustinian heritage, they also come to understand the unique culture of the school hosting the event. Presentations are given by attendees on Augustinian values and how they can be implemented in the classroom, while discussions and reflections are also held. With prayer and socializing, attendees may come to the event from different schools, cities, and even countries, but they leave the event as one bonded in the common values and mission of St. Augustine.   


The Student Augustinian Values Institute (SAVI) is similar to the AVI, but is instead student-led. Several students from participating schools are chosen to attend this yearly conference. Like attendees at the AVI, those who attend SAVI spend a weekend discussing and reflecting upon the three Augustinian values of truth, unity, and love and work on ways in which those important teachings can be applied in secondary education classrooms. During the three-day event, students not only take away all that they learned and build a stronger Augustinian community in their own school, they develop a stronger bond with Augustinian students throughout the world.

Check out our student-produced submission for the 2022 video contest! Thank you to Vincent Campanaro ’23 and the 2022 SAVI team comprised of PJ Degnan ’24, Evan Mazur ’24, Olumide Okebiorum ’25, Julian Onesti ’25, Nathan Schnell ’25, and Mason Taylor ’24.