Prep Talk

Study Skills Workshop and Group Study Sessions for Freshmen and Sophomores

Posted December 4th, 2012


There will be Study Skills Workshop for freshmen and sophomores on Tuesday December 11 from 2:35 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. in the Study Commons (aka Media Center). This workshop will focus on the use of proper studying and test taking skills for exams. Our faculty will emphasize the importance of proper preparations and the techniques to use when studying. Signups for this workshop will take place this Thursday and Friday during the lunch periods. Space is limited for this workshop.

Also, on Tuesday and Thursday (December 11 & 13) from 2:30 to 4:00 in various locations across campus, the faculty will be holding study group sessions to help our freshmen and sophomores prepare for midterm exams. Midterm exams are extremely important, and the faculty wants to make sure the freshmen and sophomores realize this importance and prepare properly.

At the college level, study groups are a popular method to prepare for exams. It is important that our students learn the value of studying in groups. The faculty will notify the students at lunch this week about the study groups and how to sign up. Please discuss these sessions with your son and plan for him to attend a session. Signups are taking place later this week during the lunch periods.

If you have any questions, please feel free email or call 856-697-2600 ext. 159.