St. Augustine Prep Blog
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Augustine Prep
Education goes beyond the classroom at St. Augustine, it extends into the realm of faith, spirit, and the heart of each of our Hermit Brothers.
Basic to the belief of Catholics is that Jesus is fully present in the Eucharist under the appearance of Bread and Wine. Each week we see this celebrated as the school community gathers every Wednesday to celebrate the Eucharist. We continue to honor Jesus in the Eucharist in many ways throughout the year, one of which being the “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament”. Twice during the school year, students join the Office of Mission & Ministry to celebrate Adoration in the school chapel. This is the rare occasion where we encourage the school community to approach an event as an individual rather than with a group so they may spend a tranquil moment in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a practice that has been cherished for centuries within the Catholic tradition. It’s an act of deep reverence and love for God, but it comes with a unique twist. In this practice, students learn to spend time in the presence of the true embodiment of Christ in the Eucharist. Within Catholicism, the Eucharist, in the form of the Blessed Sacrament, holds a special significance. It’s considered the tangible connection to Christ Himself, deserving of the same devotion and veneration as Christ.
For students who were new to this spiritual event or had not participated in quite some time, the experience was nothing short of transformative. What was truly heartening was the significant turnout of our students, all of whom were quick to reserve a time slot for this profound act of devotion. The response was a testament to the depth of faith and spirituality within the Hermit Brotherhood and a yearning to learn in the spirit of God.
The sight of so many members of the Hermit Brotherhood willingly immersing themselves in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament reflects the mission of the school. The Prep has always been more than just an academic institution; it has always strived to nurture the spiritual and moral development of its students through the lens of its Augustinian Values. This event serves as one of the many instances during a student’s tenure at the Prep, underscoring the profound significance of faith formation within their educational experience at the Prep. As is often mentioned on campus, we may not all be Catholic but we can all be Augustinian!
To learn more about Mission & Ministry at the Prep, we invite you to join us at Open House on Friday, November 10. You will have an opportunity to meet our Theology staff as well as the passionate students of