Class of 2028 - Opening Days of School
Class of 2028 – Opening Days of School
Dress Code for the Opening Week of the School Year
Tuesday, September 3 – Fall/Spring Uniform
Wednesday, September 4 – Winter Uniform
Thursday, September 5 – Winter Uniform
Friday, September 6 – HermitFest Dress Down Day!
Date: Wednesday, September 4 | 8:15 am (7:45 am seating opens)
– Arrival Time: Students must arrive no later than 7:45 am (Buses will be running on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024. Please be at your bus stop 10 minutes early. Bus routes and times can be found HERE.)
– Location: Rodio Gym at the Buondonno Forum
– Parking Locations
—–> We are kindly asking families to enter the campus through the West Entrance. Parking will be available in Lot A (as you enter) and Lot E (nearest the Fr. LaRosa Turf Field). To assist with arrival, CLICK HERE to view the campus map
– Student Dress Code: Students will wear the Winter Uniform
Additional Information
- For family members and loved ones who are unable to attend, the ceremony will be live-streamed by the Hermits Broadcasting Channel. Please bookmark the HBC’s YouTube Channel by visiting; the livestream link will be available on the channel’s homepage on the morning of the ceremony.
- For planning purposes, the ceremony and refreshments are expected to conclude by 9:30 a.m. 8th Grade class photos will be taken immediately following and the school day will resume.
Dates to Remember
Important upcoming dates are listed below. Visit to view the full academic calendar for 2024-25.
Tuesday, September 3 | First Day of School – all students to be in their fall/spring uniform
Wednesday, September 4 | The Rose M. Davis H’17 Brotherhood Ceremony – all students to be in their winter uniform
- This annual tradition officially welcomes the Freshman and 8th Grade classes to the Hermit Brotherhood. 8th Graders should be in their winter uniforms (White dress shirt, 8th grade necktie, Prep V-neck sweater). Additional details regarding attendance, parking, etc. will be shared in advance of the ceremony.
Wednesday, September 4 & Thursday, September 5 | Picture Days – all students to be in their winter uniform
- Picture Day Information:
School Name: St Augustine Preparatory Sch
Picture Day ID: EVTN3BCZV
Friday, September 6 | HermitFest – DRESS DOWN DAY!
- All 8th-graders are strongly encouraged to attend this St. Augustine Tradition – students will also be granted a dress-down day (casual clothes and sneakers, no slides, sandals or flip-flops). Students will be able to purchase admission before the event, including a special HermitFest t-shirt, food, music, games, and activities from 2:30 to 5:30 pm and concludes with admission to the home football game vs. Paul VI HS at 6 pm. This is a signature event designed to bring together the entire Prep community as parents, guardians, and families are also encouraged to attend. This will be the first experience for the Class of 2028 to officially join the Richland Rowdies!
Additional Info & FAQ's
Bus Passes
Bus passes will be distributed during the Parent Partnership and Orientation.
Picture Day
Picture days are scheduled for Wednesday, September 4 and Thursday, September 5. You may begin the ordering process by visiting the Lifetouch Online Order Portal and entering the following “Picture Day ID” of EVTN3BCZV.
Lunch Accounts
You may manage your son’s lunch account on – a program that allows you to track your son’s lunch account and make online deposits towards it. Cash will be accepted for the early portion of the school year. If you have any questions relating to the Pay Schools Central Program, student lunch accounts, or food allergens, please contact:
Director of Dining Services- Vinnie Berti ext. 135 or
Assistant Director of Dining Services – Paul Barr ext. 157 or
Prep Shop
The most up-to-date Prep Shop Hours and Information may be found HERE.
High School Dress Code
Click below for the 2024-25 Dress Code for Grades 9 through 12.
Important Links and Points of Contact
Important Links
School Calendar – Essential Dates
Points of Contact
Academics: Mrs. Nancy McHugh P’08 ’11 ’15 (
Admissions: Mr. JC Valore P’29 (
Athletics: Mr. Michael Rizzo ’86 P’11 (
Campus Safety: Mr. Tim Hale (
Eighth Grade: Fr. Stephen Curry, O.S.A., Ed.D. (
Information Technology: Mr. Frank Garufi, Jr. (
Student Leadership & Development: Mr. John Huscher ’85 P’18 (
Student Mental Health & Wellness: Bro. Bob Thornton, O.S.A., Psy.D. (
Transportation: Mrs. Christine Battin (
Academic Calendar
View the School Calendar. (All dates and times are subject to change)
Athletic Calendar
This athletic calendar is updated in real-time as venues, time changes, and cancellations are announced. All athletic games and practice information may also be found here.