Veritas Lecture Series

Mr. Adam Greco | Unmanned Aviation Systems

Posted January 24th, 2017

By Augustine Lam

On Tuesday, January 17, Mr. Adam Greco came to present a lecture about unmanned aviation systems (UAS) in the Consalo Dining Hall at St. Augustine Prep. Many students came to listen to this lecture. Mr. Greco is an Air Traffic Domain Director at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). At the beginning of the lecture, he informed everyone of how he got to where he is today.

Later on in the lecture, he talked about the rules, regulations, and applications of UAS/drones. He even went on to talk about the history IMG_9982of drones. Mr. Greco went into great detail with many of the different categories of the UAS. Mr. Greco related Amazon’s idea of a drone mothership to the Star Destroyer in Star Wars to get more students interested. The lecture ended with how drones can examine damage from natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes.

Overall, the lecture was informative and intriguing. Mr. Greco did a fantastic job of going into detail with UAS/drones and answering questions from curious students. He didn’t only talk about unmanned aviation systems today, but he talked about the future of unmanned aviation systems and how it can create more jobs than remove them. Technology is quickly advancing, and Adam Greco has made us aware of that.