Alumni Blog
Hermits Golf Team Enjoy Pre-Season Rounds in Florida
Posted February 26th, 2015
The Hermit’s Golf Team, along with coach Len Dolson, left the cold and wintery weather of New Jersey for the bright skies and green grass of Florida earlier in February. For five days, the team enjoyed the beautiful weather while they played two rounds of golf every day at the award-winning Club at Admiral’s Cove in Jupiter, Florida. Not only were they able to sharpen their skills as a warm-up before practice officially starts on Friday, March 6th, but also made numerous memories that helped to bring the team closer together. A big thank you to the incredible generosity of Mr. Benevento and Sean McDermott, Director of Golf at the Club at Admirals Cove, for making this trip happen.
The Hermits Golf Season kicks off on Wednesday, April 1st.