Daily Announcements

Posted March 26th, 2018




If you have borrowed any items from the Attendance Rental Closet – please return them.




Rugby | Colin Hess, Dimeglio, Michael Mitchell, please see Mrs. Chiachetti in the Athletic office.


Football | Shamere Collins, Nathan Fondacaro, Sean Matthews, Sean Mulhern, Garrett Dolan, please see Mrs. Chiachetti in the Athletic office.




Las Vegas Third Semester | There will be a mandatory meeting in room 52 today during morning break at 9:40.




Veritas Lecture Series




Any student interested in joining the Genius Bar, or finding out more information, should stop by Mr. Nihat’s office.




Freshmen :


Sophomores :

  • Steven DelleMonache and Cole Powers, please see Ms. Dilley in the Business office (Vincent Center| 1st Floor-Left side of Building) to pick up SCRIP.


Juniors :

  • The following students must report to the Spina Gym lobby at the beginning of B period for Cathedral Kitchen: Tucker Blanchard, William Callahan, Dane Crilly, Zachary Drexler, Matthew Rossetti, Joseph Ruchser, Ethan Lang, Michael Doliszny, Cole Murray
  • Herff Jones ring representatives will be on campus April 27th, 9:40-12:45 in the dining hall for Juniors that need their rings resized.
  • Ryan Gramp and Zachary Carew, please see Ms. Salvati in Guidance.Infranco, Jacob Huesser,  please see Mrs. Castelli in Guidance.



  • Kevin Eaise, Nate Fondacaro and Jack Billings, please see Ms. Salvati in Guidance.
  • Paul Bechtelheimer, please see Ms. Dilley in the Business office (Vincent Center| 1st Floor-Left side of Building) to pick up SCRIP.