Freshman Experience

Choosing the Prep: Harrison Klaiss

Posted November 1st, 2015

I decided to attend St. Augustine Preparatory School just as the summer was gasping its last dying breaths. A week before school started, something inside of me just clicked, and I knew that the Prep was where I needed to be. I had been interested in the school back when I had first begun looking at it in 8th grade, but eventually I decided on Atlantic City High School. I had always felt that the Prep was a great school and that it presented amazing opportunity.  Practically everyone had been trying to lead me in its direction since I was in elementary school, but I went with ACHS as it was where all of my close friends from middle school were going. I soon realized though, that there were more important things.

I’d say one of the biggest turning points was athletics at the Prep– record breaking, top-performing, focused teams. The athletics, the academics, and the reputation you get from being a student at the Prep open so many doors and leave you with skills and knowledge that will give you the edge in all future endeavors. That is the reason why I chose to go to St. Augustine. I am happy with my decision, as well as excited for the experiences and opportunities I will have in my next few years at the school.  Harrison Klais