Prep Talk

A Message from the Athletic Trainer

Posted January 11th, 2013


The Athletic Department has recently upgraded our injury tracking and emergency contact database software. With this upgrade comes the need for all St. Augustine Prep students to log in and change their password. At this time all students have been added to the database and have been given a random password. It is required that you change your password; it is recommended you use the same password as Netcommunity. Below are instructions to change your password. This password will be utilized every time you visit the athletic training room.

Setting Your Password

Go to Enter your Prep Email Address and click the Reset Password button. You will receive an e-mail with the Subject “SportsWareOnLine Password Request.” Open the e-mail and click on the link to reset your password. Enter your Prep e-mail address, new password, and click the Save button.

If you encounter any problems or have any questions feel free to contact the athletic trainer, Matt Pineo, at 856-697-2600 ext170 or Thank you for your cooperation.