Prep Talk
A Thanksgiving Message from Fr. Reilly
Posted November 22nd, 2011
Thanksgiving is everyone’s holiday. It seems that there are few things in our country that unite us. In fact, we are reminded daily of the things that divide us: politics, religion, socio-economic strata, cultural and ethnic differences. Thanksgiving, however, is the time when all of us stop for a brief moment to be grateful for what we have. We might be tempted to compare ourselves to others who seemingly have much more than we have. Despite that temptation, we give thanks knowing there are a majority of people in our world who would trade places with us in a moment. May this Thanksgiving Day be a time for you and your family to have grateful hearts for your family, your friends, the freedom we all enjoy and for our faith in a God who cares for us. Be assured of prayers for you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving.
Fr. Reilly, O.S.A.