Prep Talk
Accepted Students Night 2023
Posted July 7th, 2023
By: Jack Klotz ’27
The Annual Accepted Students Night for the Classes of 2027 and 2028 took place on Thursday, February 2, 2023 welcoming over 150 newly accepted students and their families. With the help of the Admissions Ambassadors and the Richland Rowdies, the accepted students participated in an arctic themed whiteout basketball game against St. Joseph Academy.
The night began with incoming students and their families being first welcomed into the Forum. After introductions by Mr. Valore, Director of Admissions, the accepted students walked to the Scarpa Building led by Senior Ambassadors. Upon approaching the Scarpa Building, the newly accepted students were greeted by a welcoming tunnel of current rousing Eighth Grade Richland Rowdies.
Incoming Hermits enjoyed complimentary pizza while socializing and getting to know one another. After eating, the incoming Hermits gathered in the Spina Gym. Accepted students received an arctic themed t-shirt and sunglasses. Senior Gavin Curran led the newly accepted Richland Rowdies with the teaching of the cheers. The electrified incoming Hermits were pumped up and ready to rush into the Rodeo Gym to watch the basketball game.
Before the game, the Hermits basketball team honored seniors. At tip-off, the Richland Rowdies performed their famous “This is the basketball” chant. During the game, candy and t-shirts were thrown into the ecstatic crowd of Richland Rowdies. At halftime, five accepted students were selected to shoot a free throw to win a school wide dress down day. Three students made the shot as the crowd roared with excitement. Mr. Huscher, Dean of Student Leadership and Development, will choose one dress down day in the future. The Hermits basketball team pulled a huge victory over St. Joseph Academy with a score of 71-44 to end the extraordinary night.
Mr. Valore stated, “The Annual Accepted Students Night is a tradition that dates back 15+ years. Our Admissions Ambassadors led the new student experience – from welcome to dinner to a night with the Rowdies.” Samuel Blough, newly accepted freshman, commented, “My favorite part of the evening was meeting new people that I will be in school with for the next four years. The campus is amazing and I look forward to being there in school!”