Prep Talk
April SAT Prep Course Schedule
SAT Math & Verbal classes have been scheduled for the remainder of the school year. Each course will run for eight classes. The cost of each course is $290 due by the first day of course. Students will be responsible for purchasing their book. Math prep courses will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while Verbal prep courses will be held on Mondays and Wednsedays making it possible for students to take both prep courses before the SAT test. Each student will need the following text:
11 Practice Tests for the SAT and PSAT, 2012 Edition (College Test Prep)
ISBN-10: 0375428372 ISBN-13: 978-0375428371
The text may be purchased at local bookstores or online. Please bring this test with you for the first class.
Class Schedules: The class runs for one hour after school from 3 – 4 PM. The Verbal class is held in Room 4, and the Math class is held in Room 33.
SAT Math dates (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
4/17, 4/19, 4/24, 4/26, 5/1 and 5/3 – SAT Test May 5
SAT Verbal dates (Mondays and Wednesdays)
4/18, 4/20, 4/23, 4/25, 4/30, 5/2, 5/4 – SAT Test May 5