Prep Talk

Attention Juniors – J. Michael Fralinger Sr. Memorial Scholarship

Posted March 15th, 2013

To honor the memory and accomplishments of J. Michael Fralinger, Sr. (Class of 1975), the Fralinger family has created a scholarship which recognizes a St. Augustine Prep junior class student who demonstrates the qualities, character, values and work ethic Michael lived by. The scholarship is $2500 for the student’s senior year. The scholarship amount will be applied as a credit to the student’s Prep tuition. Consideration for the scholarship will be application/self-nomination based.

Consideration for Award:  Any junior student in good standing may apply for consideration of the award. All applications must be submitted to the Dean of Academics, Mr. Kevin Burke, by Tuesday, April 29.

Elements to be considered in each application include:

–       Academic standing, C average minimum without failing a course

–       Participation in a varsity sport, e.g. swimming

–       Clubs, student government, leadership positions, volunteer jobs

–       Student future plans and goals

–       Active participation in the J. Michael Fralinger Annual Water Polo Scholarship Fundraiser

Student’s application must include: Two letters of recommendation from non-family sources, a short biography of your accomplishments and leadership roles, and a one page personal essay about an experience from your own life and explain how it has influenced your development.

Award Recipient Expectations: The winner of the J. Michael Fralinger, Sr. Scholarship is expected to attend, support, and work at the annual water polo/scholarship fundraiser during his senior year. The winner is also expected to remain in good standing at the Prep.

Thank you to the Fralinger family for your kindness and generosity!