Prep Talk
Blueprint for the Opening of Academic Year 2020-21 Announced
Posted August 6th, 2020
As the Hermit Brotherhood continues to navigate its way through an ever-changing academic landscape, the leadership team at St. Augustine Prep has presented the blueprint for the upcoming academic year. Through a message first shared with the current families of the Prep Community, Head of School, Fr. Robert J. Murray provided the school’s approach to the opening days of the 2020-2021 school year.
The message is shared below:
Dear Members of the Prep Community,
As a follow-up to my July 17, 2020 communication, we are committed to having our students, faculty and staff return to campus this fall in a safe environment. The value of community is central to our Catholic, Augustinian identity. As such, the Leadership Team in collaboration with our Prep COVID-19 Task Force has been involved in intense planning for the re-opening of the academic year 2020-2021. This group includes health/wellness, Human Resources/Emergency Management professionals, our faculty, staff, parents/guardians, technologists and cyberlearning experts.
Please know that we shall continue to monitor all applicable directives and guiding principles of the Task Force closely. The State of New Jersey, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Diocese of Camden and the New Jersey Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS) will remain the primary entities.
The Guiding Principles of the “Prep Road to Re-Opening Task Force” are:
Live the Mission and traditions of St. Augustine Preparatory School
Provide a safe and healthy environment for the entire community
Create a vibrant teaching/learning community by maintaining the integrity and richness of our challenging academic program
Foster an Augustinian welcome to the Class of 2024 and new members of the community
Provide students with spiritual, curricular and co-curricular activities and wellness services
Please refer to this communication as you plan. Additional information will be sent to you in a timely fashion. Also, please know the opening of the academic year 2020-2021 will provide students with welcome back orientations and health and safety meetings with the Leadership Team and support staff.
In-Person Education:
We are committed to our students returning to campus for Academic Year 2020 – 2021. Our physical campus and student to teacher ratio have us poised to return to school with the safety of our community at the forefront. This decision is pending the directives of the governor. Some of the modifications necessary to deliver this model are:
Implementation of new daily procedures to ensure effective teaching and learning.
Addition of more class sections to decrease the average class size.
Mandatory wearing of masks for all students, faculty, and staff. Students will be given a Prep neck gaiter that will become part of the uniform until restrictions are lifted.
Creation of a unique COVID-19 daily bell schedule.
Modifications to our classrooms to create more space for our students and faculty.
New student entrance/exit points and traffic patterns to streamline the movement of students on campus.
Professional Development of our faculty to prepare for the unique challenges that we face in light of education during this pandemic.
We are committed to providing synchronous cyberlearning opportunities for students unable or uncomfortable returning to school. If your son is not returning to school or requires accommodations please contact Mr. Cappuccio ASAP at
Opening of School Dates (Click HERE for printable version)
- August 24 – Day of Recollection for Faculty & Staff
- August 25 – Faculty & Staff Orientation
- August 26 – Faculty & Staff Professional Development
- August 27 – Faculty & Staff Professional Development
- August 31 – Class of 2021 Orientation 10 am -12 pm
- September 1 – Class of 2022 Orientation 10 am -12 pm
- September 2 – Class of 2023 Orientation 2 pm – 4 pm
- September 2 – Class of 2024 Orientation 5 pm – 8 pm
- September 2 – Class of 2024 Parent Orientation 6 pm – 8 pm
- September 3 – No School
- September 4 – No School
- September 7 – Labor Day; No School
- September 8 – All Students Report
- September 9 – All Students Report
- September 10 – All Students Report
- September 11 – All Students Report
Student Schedules:
The challenge of COVID-19 and the creation of a new bell schedule has delayed our delivery of student schedules on MyPrep. We anticipate the completion of all student schedules in the week of August 9.
Summer Assignments:
We have run into a delay with the implementation of our mathematics review program (ALEKS). Information is forthcoming. We are most appreciative of your patience. Rest assured that students will have ample time to complete the required program. The completion date for these review courses is September 8, 2020.
Please contact Mr. Stephen Cappuccio ’96, Dean of Academics, ( if you have questions regarding academics.
Dress Code 2020-2021
Click HERE to view/download the updated dress code for the academic year 2020-2021.
Suggestions regarding the dress code (purchase of blazers, school patch, etc.)
The required school-branded polos (fall/spring uniform), optional pullover sweaters, and additional patches are all available on-campus at the Prep Shop. The balance of the items on the dress code are NOT sold at the Prep Shop and may be purchased at a retail store of your choice.
Families have mentioned Kohl’s, JCPenney, Boscovs, and Macy’s as being popular destinations for acquiring the Navy Blazer, pants and dress shirts that are required for the winter uniform. An option local to the school is L.A. Male located in Vineland, NJ. This establishment has no official affiliation with the school; however, they are familiar with our school uniform and carry all of the required items, offer free application of the school patch with each blazer purchase and are very accommodating to our families.
In summary, the school-branded polo, optional pullover sweaters and the blazer patch are the only required items available on-campus at the Prep Shop. A health declaration form is required to be submitted upon arrival and to help expedite your visit, you may download the form prior to making your trip by clicking HERE.
Please contact Mr. Tim Hale, Assistant Dean of Student Leadership, ( if you have questions regarding student life at the Prep.
Athletics Summer Session Update
We are proud to report that the execution of Phase 1 and 2 have gone smoothly. Our Football and Soccer Programs have been well attended and safely executed. We hope to plan Phase 3 the week of August 9, 2020. Thank you again for your cooperation and diligence during this unprecedented time.
Fall Athletic Update
There have been no changes to the beginning of Fall Athletics. First practices are scheduled to begin on September 14, 2020.
Quick reminder – Registration is open for all sports. Please click HERE to register at your earliest convenience.
Please contact Mr. Michael Rizzo ’86, Director of Athletics, ( if you have questions regarding athletics.
St. Augustine Preparatory School Dining Services has been working on a “Reopening the Consalo Dining Hall Plan” over the past few weeks via communication with the State of New Jersey, the Prep Leadership Team, NJAIS, and the Atlantic County Board of Health. In addition, the CDC and the NJ DOE “The Road Back” Guidelines are a template. The Dining Services Team is dedicated to ensuring state-of-the-art cleanliness and preventing virus transmission. We are in constant communication with the Atlantic County Board of Health during this ever-changing process.
Additional modifications include the following:
Daily temperature checks will be taken for all Dining Services employees.
All employees will wear proper PPE (masks and nitrile gloves) while in the kitchen and practice enhanced sanitation procedures.
Staff will wash hands frequently. This has always been a part of the production standards of the Prep Dining Services Staff. They are instructed to wash their hands between tasks, after taking breaks, between changing gloves as required by Health Code. Culinary staff is always instructed to wear disposable nitrile gloves anytime they are producing a product that is ready to eat for the customer – PPE will also be used when serving all students, faculty, and staff.
The monthly menu along with the daily main entree will be posted on the Hermits website as usual. Lunches will have fewer options items; however, signature items will still be served. Salads and cold/hot sandwiches will be available along with the main entree.
Allergen meals will be available.
Students will wear a mask and practice social distancing before entering the Dining Hall.
Signage instructing social distancing practices will be placed throughout the Dining Hall.
There will be 2 extended lunch periods to allow for the flow of traffic.
Students will be eating lunch in one of the following locations: Dining Hall, Rodio Gym, Spina Gym, the Loggia, outdoor canopy tents.
Register areas and concession stands will be retrofitted with plexiglass barriers.
Students, faculty and staff will be required to maintain social distancing in the Dining Hall.
Social distancing signage and hand sanitizer will be located throughout the Dining Hall.
Students will go through the normal procedure of standing a line, then head to assigned areas.
Three Students will be seated to a table; all tables will have additional signage requiring health and distancing procedures.
All food will be boxed in clear “Grab-and-Go” containers. There will be no self-serving food stations and all products will be packaged. Those items include pizza, cookies, fruit, etc.
The Dining Services Staff will diligently clean all required touchpoints before, after, and during service using disinfectant/detergent/sanitizer.
No Cash Sales – all students are required to have money on their lunch accounts. You may manage your son’s lunch account at by using a debit/credit card.
Money may be added to the lunch account by sending in cash or check (made payable to St. Augustine Prep) with your son after you have registered for an account on You may also use the site to track your son’s lunch account balance.
Mr. Vinnie Berti ’95, Director of Dining Services, is in regular contact with the Atlantic County Board of Health. Please contact Mr. Berti, ( if you have questions regarding services in the Dining Hall.
Students will be required to wear a mask while riding the bus. Each bus will have hand sanitizer available and students are encouraged to use it upon entering and exiting the bus.
Buses will be sanitized daily by the bus company. No other school will use the buses assigned to St. Augustine Prep and Our Lady of Mercy Academy (OLMA).
Weather permitting, several windows of the bus will be open to allow for better ventilation. Students will select their seat and a seating chart will be developed and adhered to so contact tracing can be utilized if needed.
Parents/Guardians will receive a per diem credit at the end of each semester for COVID closing days only. Credit will not be given for closings due to inclement weather.
NEW GLOUCESTER COUNTY BUS: Bus 11 has been added to help alleviate overcrowding on Bus 7 and Bus 10. The first stop will be at the Acme on Centre Square Road in Swedesboro, NJ at 6:25 a.m. The second and last stop will be at the CVS on Centre Square Road in Woolwich Township at 6:32 a.m. If you would like to change your son’s bus to the new Bus 11, please contact Mrs. Carr at (856) 697-2600 Ext. 142 or at
Buses will run on a full-day schedule beginning with the first day of school. All buses will depart the Prep at 3:05 p.m. each day. Bus passes will be distributed to Freshmen during Orientation. All other students will be able to pick up their passes from August 31 to September 2. Passes will be required to enter the bus beginning Thursday, September 3.
It is not too late to sign up for any of the Prep buses. B6Ts are required for all students regardless of how they travel to school. All non-public school students are mandated by the state to have a form on file each year. Contact Mrs. Carr at (856) 697-2600 Ext. 142 or at should you need a bus reservation form or a B6T for your son for the new school year.
Please contact Mrs. Marianne Carr P ’07, Director of Transportation ( if you have additional questions regarding transportation.
Thank you for your continued support and patience. I am grateful and look forward to seeing our students, faculty and staff on campus soon for the kick-off of another exciting year. A very special welcome to the Class of 2024 and our new students!
In Augustine,
Fr. Robert J. Murray, O.S.A.