Prep Talk
Caritas Project Raises $3,020 for MD Camp
Posted September 30th, 2011
This past June, St. Augustine Prep seniors Lee Wetty and Kyle Kunze worked as counselors at a camp for young people with Muscular Dystrophy (MD) in Worcester, Pennsylvania. Each student was responsible for caring for an individual child from morning to night. As a result of their experience, Lee and Kyle decided to raise money so that other deserving children with MD could attend the camp in the future. They obtained permission from the manager of the Acme in Avalon to collect money outside the store and to set up donation boxes at the registers.
In addition, Lee collected money after Masses on two weekends at St. Brendan the Navigator Parish in Stone Harbor. In total, the two collected $3,020, which they presented to Ms. Dee Cleaver, Health Services Coordinator for the Muscular Dystrophy Association on September 21 at the Prep.