Prep Talk

Environmental Club Follows up at Padre Pio Shrine

Posted December 7th, 2011


On Monday, December 5, thirteen members of the Environmental Club, along with Mrs. Nancy McHugh, their moderator, traveled to the Padre Pio Shrine for Part II of their Beautification Project.  As on their previous trip, their visit began with a prayer led by Mrs. Marie Dandrea, during which she called the students to be “Spiritual Children of Padre Pio.”  The students worked diligently for an hour and a half mulching the existing flower beds around the actual shrine and creating new beds around the shrubs that run the perimeter/border the property.  The mulching significantly enhanced the beauty of the property.  After the work was done, they ended with another prayer asking for Padre Pio’s protection and guidance spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  Mrs. Dandrea treated the boys to pizza.  During the repast, Mrs. Dandrea told the story of the origin of the shrine.  She and her late husband visited Italy to bring back chestnut trees for the family produce business.  While there, she visited the shrine of Padre Pio and experienced a deep connection with him.  When she returned home, she decided to build a shrine here.  The boys were impressed with the way she put her beliefs and love for this saint into action.  Special thanks to Mr. Len Schroeder for lending wheelbarrows and tools from Bloomers Home and Garden Center, and to Mrs. Kathryn Bauer of the Prep Maintenance staff for pitching in and helping with the mulching.

Part III of this Beautification Project (painting the benches) is planned for the spring.