Prep Talk
Freshman Grandparents Visit Campus
On Wednesday, October 23, St. Augustine Prep hosted a Mass and luncheon for the grandparents of the Class of 2017. Close to 200 smiling faces graced our gymnasium and dining hall as they spent time with their grandsons. It was a wonderful blend of generations and an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company. Fr. Richard Cannuli, O.S.A. from Villanova University presided at the Mass and Chef Paul presided over the kitchen. It was a perfect marriage. Mr. David Zappariello, Director of Alumni and External Affairs, welcomed the grandparents and extended our usual Prep hospitality. Thanks to our facilities and kitchen staff for all of their help.
Photo Caption: Joshua Drexler (Class of 2017), with his grandparents, Theresa and Bill Drexler, and Annamay and John Pastorino.