Prep Talk

Hurricane Brings Out the Best in Prep Community

Posted November 2nd, 2012


In the midst of difficult news stories surrounding the impact of Hurricane Sandy, the natural disaster has also served to reveal the best of the members of the St. Augustine Prep community.

In addition to the administration agreeing to allow the Federal Emergency Management Agency to host roughly 70 evacuees on the campus of the Prep over the past week, the parents and families of St. Augustine Prep have expressed their own willingness to assist in countless emails to the members of the administration over the last four days.

A recent email intended to assess the need of the Prep families produced more responses for offers of help than for expressions of need. This outpouring of love and support is not uncharacteristic of our community, and it reminds us again of one of the core values on which this institution is built: Caritas, or loving service for others.

To all of those who are in need: Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let us know how we can help.

To those who have offered their homes, food, water, hearts, and hands: Your gestures have not gone unnoticed. Thank you, and God bless you.