Prep Talk

Improving SAT Scores – New England Prep

Posted November 16th, 2012


A student’s SAT score is a very important component of the college acceptance process. Some estimate that it accounts for up to 60% of the student’s acceptance. St. Augustine Prep wants to prepare our students with the skills and strategies needed to be successful on the test. The teaching of the necessary skills is built into our curriculum. This year, we greatly improved the teaching of strategies by implementing a new curriculum from New England Prep into the classroom. Students will be watching one video per week in the classroom during our extended F period. Also, students will be expected to watch one video per week at home. We are asking for our parents to help the students recognize the importance of proper preparation for the SAT. Thank you for your support.

Each week in Prep Talk we will communicate the assigned video. This week’s assignment is “Lesson 5 – Success with Ratios and Proportions Problems.” Students will watch Lesson 5 for verbal in the classroom during this week.

Directions to access the videos:

  • Students must login to to watch the video.
  • Use your login and password to login
  • Click “My Lessons”
  • Click “Level 1”
  • Choose “Math” or “Verbal” – (This week the students are watching a Math video)
  • Then choose “Lesson 5 – Success with Ratios and Proportions Problems”
  • Make sure you have your workbook for the lesson

There are many resources for students on the website. The English and Math teachers have given access codes to the students. Each student should be able to access sample SAT tests and quizzes on his account. If a student does not have the necessary login information, please see Mr. Burke ASAP.

If you have questions or trouble accessing the video, please contact Mr. Burke (