Prep Talk

New Jersey Governor’s School Opportunity for Juniors

Posted December 11th, 2012


The Governor’s School of New Jersey will be hosting two summer programs, each three weeks in duration, for current juniors. The School in the Sciences will be hosted at Drew University and the School of Engineering & Technology at Rutgers University. These programs are extremely rigorous and the application process is very competitive. The selection criteria is based on grades, academic accomplishments, PSAT/SAT scores, extracurricular and community service activities and an essay. There is no cost associated with these summer residential academic programs.

Please note only one Prep student will be nominated to apply to each of the programs. Any junior interested in the Governor’s School of New Jersey should see Mrs. Castelli in the guidance office by December 13 for details.

Counseling Sessions for Juniors:

Individual and small group meetings with your counselor will begin after the Christmas break.