Prep Talk

Prep Offers Innovative Mobile Message Learning Program

Posted November 27th, 2012


St. Augustine Prep faculty members Diana Bertonazzi and Robert Griffiths have partnered to create a mobile learning system that allows students to practice math and science questions by responding to text messages. They are offering a trial plan of this service to Prep students for free!

After tutoring dozens of students in math and science, Mrs. Bertonazzi realized that her students were never away from their cell phones.

“I would receive text messages from the students I was tutoring,” said Mrs. B., “asking me to help them with a problem. It occurred to me that this could become an automated response.”

Mrs. B. collaborated with Mr.Griffiths on the design and implementation of the service, and after organizing a staff with over 130 years of experience, Mrs. B and Mr. Griffiths have created a massive database of questions and answers that can be tailored to a student’s’- specific needs. By selecting from categories that include Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Biology, a student will receive MMS messages that pose questions related to those topics. The student can respond to these questions by simply sending a reply MMS message with the answer. Within moments, the student will be alerted to the success of the answer.

Currently enrolled Honors Algebra I and College Prep Algebra I students at St. Augustine Prep will be given an order form so that they can participate in the free two-week trial period, just in time for the mid-term review. You can read more about this program here.