Prep Talk
School Community Hosts Annual Open House Event
Posted November 6th, 2020
Written by Gary Mazza ’21 • Published November 6, 2020
On Thursday, November 5th and Friday, November 6th, the St. Augustine Prep community welcomed prospective students for the class of 2025 and 2026. Coming off the Prep’s most successful Open House last year, we knew we had big shoes to fill. All necessary safety precautions were implemented, including some unique to the day. Typically, the Prep hands folders out to every student, but this year, families were supplied with a QR code. The QR code gave families access to the necessary information on their smartphones. Taking these necessary precautions allowed Saint Augustine to have an in-person Open House.

The Prep Admissions Team got creative with the distribution of information for this year’s Open House event.
Upon entering campus, families were welcomed into the Forum lobby for a temperature check and to sign in. Everyone was then ushered into Rodio Gym for refreshments and an introduction to our Prep values. Guardians of these future Hermits were able to see the ways in which the Prep will benefit their son: “Enter as Boys to Learn,” and “Exit as Men to Serve.” The TestosterTones, led by first-year teacher Mr. Erik Stenswold, also made an appearance, performing Stand By Me.
Outside, prospective students and their families rotated between four stations, allowing everyone to familiarise themselves with the campus. The Hermit Ambassadors lead the stops through each building. A prominent stop was Spina Gym, located in Augustinian Hall, where students and faculty showcased our sports, fine arts, campus ministry, and student government. Families were able to use their QR code to sign up for future activities. When official tours ended, some families stayed on for specific athletic facility tours.
Overall, the St. Augustine Prep Open House sought to build on the new Hermits Family Experience, formally known as the Hermit for a Day Program. The Open House was spread out over two days this year to follow safety protocols, and interact with our students and faculty in a more personal manner. Given current circumstances, the two days were a safe, informative, and positive experience for all. In addition, the Hermits Broadcasting YouTube Channel will be releasing a virtual open house shortly.
The Open House was a critical step in the process of gathering the necessary information needed to make an informed decision about your son’s future. As the application process begins, please know the Prep Admissions Team is prepared to guide you every step of the way!
Learn more about the road ahead by visiting or call (856) 697-2600 ext. 149. As mentioned by Prep News writer, Gary Mazza, the Hermit for a Day program has been reimagined to include the entire family. Call the admissions office today or visit to schedule your Hermits Family Experience!

Student Government President, Cameron Compare ’21 addresses the socially-distanced crowd during the welcome portion of the day.