Prep Talk
The First Week of School
Here are a few important dates and items to keep in mind for the first week of school. Hopefully you will have completed your summer reading. On Tuesday, September 4, summer reading tests will be given to all upperclassmen. All students will need their blazers, shirt and tie for the first day of school. For the dress code requirements, please click here or go to NetCommunity in the document library under student information.This year we have an Honor Code that all students and parents will be asked to sign. To review the code please click here.Buses will be running on Thursday, August 30, for freshman and transfer students. Students should be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the actual time. If you have any questions about transportation, please contact Mrs. Carr at ext. 142.On Thursday, August 30, freshmen and transfers will receive a lunch and on Tuesday, September 4, all students will need to use their lunch accounts. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Carr at ext. 142.
Thursday, August 30: Freshman / transfer student orientation. Picture day. Summer reading tests will be given. 12:30 Dismissal. Blazer, shirt and tie are required. Friday, August 31: School Closed. Monday, September 3: Labor Day School Closed Tuesday, September 4: All students report. Upperclassmen will report to the LaRosa Field at 8:30 for procession into the Rodio Gym for the Brotherhood Ceremony. Blazer, shirt and tie are required. Summer reading tests will follow after the ceremony. Full day of school. Wednesday, September 5: Summer uniforms. School Mass in the Rodio Gym. Thursday, September 6: Senior parent meeting in the Consalo Dining Hall at 6:30 pm. We ask that at least one parent be present. Friday, September 7: Hermit Fest – Dress down day (Marrow for Matt); Football game 7 pm, home, against Middle Township Sunday, September 9: Family Mass at 10 am with light refreshments to follow. Starting on Monday, August 20, lockers, bus passes and parking permits ($15.00) will be available. Please see Mrs. Auger in Augustinian Hall the Attendance/Main Office. Any questions please feel free to contact Mr. Iaconelli at extension 130. |