Prep Talk

Third Semester Course on SAT Preparation

Posted October 9th, 2012


Planning on taking the June 2013 SATs? Want elite SAT-preparation and cutting-edge techniques for success, but don’t want to pay $1,000 for an elite test-prep course? Students who sign up for the Prep’s “SAT Boot Camp” Third Semester course will receive 40 hours of instruction on the Math, Critical Reading, and Writing portions of the SAT from Mr. Shepherd, who has been working for an elite test-prep company for over five years.

Students will take two full-length SATs and receive 20 hours of instruction prior to the June 1 test date, and then an additional 20 hours of instruction and two full-length practice tests after the actual SAT in order to gauge their progress. At the conclusion of the course students will:

-never run out of time on the math section ever again

-read long SAT passages quickly and remember everything they’ve read the first time around

-learn to manage stress and improve their test-taking endurance

-shed the habits that are hampering their score in the first place (no more underlining!!)

-markedly boost their college-level vocabulary and improve their performance in their future Prep English classes

-write an excellent Essay every time

-learn to think like the College Board (the organization that makes the SAT)

-know the material and tricks so well that they could teach the course themselves and take Mr. Shepherd’s job

Oh, and it’s FREE! For more information, please contact