Prep Talk

Tuition Assistance Program – Academic Year 2013-2014

Posted November 6th, 2012


St. Augustine Prep awards limited tuition assistance on the basis of demonstrable need. The amount of the grant is determined by the Tuition Assistance Committee and is based on the total funds available, total applicants, and the designated financial need of each family as indicated by Private School Aid Service (PSAS). Tuition assistance will not be awarded to students with outstanding tuition payments until agreements have been made with the St. Augustine Prep’s Business Office.  Families of enrolled students must reapply for tuition assistance each year.

While it is the Prep’s belief that the primary responsibility for tuition rests with each family and that each family is expected to look at its own resources before requesting tuition assistance, the Prep makes every effort to recognize the distinctness of each situation and, when where there is demonstrable need, to tailor grants to meet the need of each qualified family.

St. Augustine Prep seeks social, economic, cultural and ethnic diversity in its student body.  For that reason, extraordinary young men who have demonstrable and unique talent may be considered for grants.  The repayment of grants is not required. The student must maintain an outstanding discipline record, have an excellent academic record and have the recommendations of the faculty and staff to maintain the grant.

The Admissions Committee of St. Augustine Preparatory School makes no distinction between applicants who request tuition assistance and those who do not.  Admission to St. Augustine Preparatory is an entirely separate process from the Tuition Assistance Program.

In order to be considered for tuition assistance, families must complete the PSAS form and meet the specific deadlines outlined below.  All applications must be complete in order to be considered for tuition assistance.

The Prep is ready to assist in whatever way we can regarding the Tuition Assistance Program.  Please feel free to contact the Business Office with any questions or concerns at 856-697-2600 ext. 106.

Application Guidelines 

APPLICANTS FOR THE NINTH GRADE (Class of 2017) – Application Deadline

  • December 15,  2012

Applicants for Enrolled Students – Application Deadline

  • December 31, 2012

PLEASE NOTE:  Families with both an upper-classman and an incoming freshman should adhere to the December 15, 2012 deadline.

Note that all applications received after above deadlines will be considered on a rolling basis.  Tuition Assistance grants are limited and may not be available for all qualified applicants.  If you are submitting a tuition assistance application after above deadlines call the Business Office (856-697-2600 ext. 106) directly to ensure that there is funding available. PSAS (Private School Aid Service) Forms are available on the Prep’s web site (see below) or in the Business Office located in the Forum. All forms submitted to the Financial Aid Committee will be held in strict confidence.  Families who receive grants are required to sign a confidentiality agreement.  If tuition is shared, each responsible party must complete a PSAS Form.  Non-custodial parents MUST also apply and complete a PSAS form.  If you would like to download an application, please click here.

Grant Notification Dates

 Class of 2017 (incoming freshmen) and Class of 2017 with a sibling (Class of 2016, 2015, 2014) will be notified in late January of 2013.

Enrolled students (Class of 2016, 2015, 2014) will be notified in late February of 2013.